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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Late May into June: setlock.

And here's Ruther's storify, part 8 and part 9, which ends May setlock.

(His part 10 storify just began on 5-June-2016, and yeah, I began this post around then!)

Part 11 is up -- and apparently so is part 16!  Yes, you read that right.  Here's part 12, part 13, part 14, and part 15.

I have not read them all (I just began reading 12, in fact).  I can't speak for the goodies you'll find inside.  So I'm about a week behind on setlock for now.  :b

For those of you keeping track of birthdays, Benedict's is 19-July.  I have some of Team Sherlock's birthdays scattered around the blog here, but nothing too current, I'm afraid.  Apologies.