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Friday, October 30, 2015

Dramatic charity; more on the Special!

Dramatic Need 2015 site and its review on Cumberbatchweb.

Amanda notes in passing at Radio Times that filming s4 "will start in April" (the article is about her Tweeting, Martin's thoughts, and her new show Cuffs as well).

Everything else has spoilers to one extent or another and is about the Special.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Halloween candy: the Special!

Herein be spoilers, so if you are avoiding all news of the 2015 Sherlock episode, aka the Sherlock special, this would be a post to skip.  Entirely.

For the first time ever, PBS viewers and BBC viewers get to see Sherlock on the same day, i.e., New Year's Day 2016.  Mark your calendars, fandom!

There are some lovely pictures in that link, so I've added it for us all to savor.

As per usual, I will not spell out spoilers.  I'll mask spoilers here until probably late January and/or early February.

That's after this ep has come out, since not everyone gets to see every thing on the Interweb and the big screen at the same exact moment.

However, if you move past the cut, you have willingly entered into the land of spoilers.  Things Moffat has admitted up front, and/or things Mark has dropped via Twitter, and/or the rest of Team Sherlock, which includes crew, cast, and everyone else official.