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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Xmas 2013: Sherlock mini ep!

Chinese fans' nicknames for Sherlock and John via Radio Times.

Sherlock mini episode to air on Christmas Day via BBC Red Button.  FYI:  It's called "Many Happy Returns" too and is said to include John but not Sherlock.

I don't have all the info for the mini ep, but allegedly non-BBC subscribers can access Red Button.  (Yes, I Tweeted @anglophenia, so hopefully we'll know soon.  Fingers crossed!)

And the BBC has an interactive trailer for Sherlock now!  Be warned:  The Daily Mail has an article about the trailer -- which includes spoilers and spoiler pics!

ETA 29-Dec-13:  Link for Many Happy Returns here.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A side of hot Ben-- SH-- whatever!

Also Cumberbatched (beautiful monochrome!) and a little fan art.  Because S-lock is a funny answer to Reichenbach angst.  Really!

Fandom mashup: I'm a sucker for--

From Great Game:  Sherlocked and Cumberbatched, mmm!  Same here, or when Ben smiles while garbed as Sherlock.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Batch with some SH and Mystrade.

Casebook moments...

Cumberbatched on stage, Tweet here.  Isn't Ben lovely in this costume!

Julian Batch.  Because reasons.  Via official movie Twitter account here.

And because I just knew you were missing Mystrade, have a little family-friendly image here via the always fantastic mystradedoodles. 8)

Alone is what I have.  Alone protects me.