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Saturday, September 27, 2014

James Rhodes and mental health charity.

Pianist James Rhodes is a friend of Benedict's.  Today James got married.

Ben was part of his wedding party [an usher, it sounds like, despite penguins] while Stephen Fry wed the happy couple.

Little Favour, BC art, fan vids.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Two fan vids; shipping in OED--!

I haven't posted a fan vid in forever, seems like.

Feels for s3, s2, and s1... also spoilers, if you haven't seen all of s3 yet.  I'm thinking you probably have, but just in case, treat both vids as spoilers!

Sherlock BBC || Narrow It Down by Grable424.

Sherlock Holmes | "Superman (It's Not Easy)" by Sarah Stardust.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

From Turing to Sherlocked.

If you sorrow for not getting the Sherlocked convention in your country/region... this is my answer to why it's only in Europe and America.  I'm sorry, my dears, but it comes down to numbers.

The higher amount of fans are in two places first.  Yes, I know and you know that certain countries have HUGE fan bases.  And matching populations.

Sherlock fandom is worldwide, sure -- but we're not concentrated everywhere.  In America and Europe are where conventions will be first.

Watch the Sherlocked FB page for regular updates.