ETA: Here be spoilers. If you haven't seen ALL of the second season of BBC Sherlock or the PBS version of same, you won't want to be here. Trust me.
I decided that since it's very likely I'll have oodles of Sherlockery, I might as well put them all somewhere in one place.
I'll move the Sherlock candy post from my other blog over here next, and then update my Twitter profile with this link for my Sherlockery. :)
So, oh my fellow Sherlockians, watch this space for links and suchlike. Probably also my thoughts.
If you're wanting the Reichenbach blueprint/solution, in great lovingly drawn detail, there is the tumblr for that.
Do note that I am not MK Hey nor did I create that tumblr. I just like spreading around the wealth of work by fellow fans -- sharing the good stuff, as it were -- or "pushing it" if you like. I do like. :)
Last night I found caffienekitty, who does screen captures and her reactions to Sherlock eps over on LJ. They are wonderful. If MK Hey's blog makes you weep over Reichenbach, the caps will hurt you too. I had the worst time getting to sleep last night!
I don't (yet) have a tumblr account. I may get one so's I can reblog tumblr. I don't know, it could happen.
If you're still hungry for more more more Sherlock, do use tumblr, deviantart -- and possibly fanfic if that suits you.
For some lovely artwork, there's lots to choose from. One of my favorite discoveries is this portrait [NOT a picture] by the talented Puppet-Girl86.
So do consider this quick summary a repository of the Reichenbach Support Group, which was thought up t'other night on Twitter by another Sherlockian, the very fine @lochnessloz. It too was not my idea. :D
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