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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Later in June, another incident.

Thought experiment.  Don't read this if you haven't seen all of season 2!  This may count as a spoiler for season 3 also, but that depends on your viewpoint.

Friday, October 5, 2012

A day in October.

Typed this on my tablet.  Sorry not to have spoiler warnings, etc.  This would come after Reichenbach.

Another thought experiment!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pics and theory; plus 2012 Guide to Sherlock events!

Never enough pics, right?  :D

Cumberbatched moments:  

Brunet Batch with black tie.  Benedict discussing something with a statue (thanks to Cumberbatchweb for link).  Benedict as brunet, in more casual wear -- looking almost like circa 2008.  Smiling Benedict in front of BBC backdrop.

Blond Batch, probably from Parade's End.  Benedict "the life ruiner" Cumberbatch, from The Last Enemy.

Audio Benedict, as demonstrated in Colorado.  Also... Happy Sherlock.

Adorable:  Benedict and Martin.  Met Benedict and Martin at an Emmy party.

Sherlockology created a 2012 Guide to Sherlock events, starting with October and November.  Check to see what's happening near you!

Locations range from Cheltenham and London UK, Belgium, Seattle and Kentucky USA.  They're all listed, but not in that order...

These are diverse events, such as showings of Parade's End and Sherlock, as well as conventions, re-tellings, and two events with Mark Gatiss.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thank you, my friends! =HUGS=

Thank you to all my friends who wished me happy birthday on Twitter over the weekend!

Jaeden -- Lokke -- Amelia -- Nika -- Meri -- Anjani -- Nikki -- Gita


John Klima... who in several years with EV has still not killed me.  ;D

My especial thanks for helping make this a pretty spectacular birthday!

Do PLEASE let me know if I missed anyone... I used the Search feature, which sometimes loses Tweets.  In fact, I'm nearly sure it did, but if you can search your own RTs, I do not know how.  o.O

Sunday, September 30, 2012

All Cumberbatch, nearly.

Cumberbatched moments:  

Chelsea's set of photos via tumblr.  A behind-the-scenes black-and-white still shot of Benedict.  Grey-eyed Benedict, looking off camera.  Who's that arguing?  The bridge t-shirts.

Sherlock in sunglasses.

Benedict filming August: Osage County.

Sherlocked and Cumberbatched photo set.  (Note: I would LOVE to know how/when someone got the ears pinned to Sherlock in TGG pic.  Just sayin'!)  Beauty is that which is simultaneously attractive and sublime.  Also here, the sadness and yet that beauty.

Playing every part in this film:  Benedict Cumberbatch poster!  Merry Christmas to us, fandom!!  Hey girl... sweater poster.

PBS has the Benedict Cumberbatch DVD collection available now.