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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Of 16 Anglo Fan Favorites--

The Hobbit/John Watson, Sherlock/Smaug, and Mycroft made it to Round 2!  All 16 contenders.

As did the three latest Doctors, and in a just universe, they'd just put Ten, Eleven, and Twelve against each other, but alas, not the case here.  :b  (Right now Tennant is destroying Capaldi.)  The matchups are getting cruel...

Mycroft, er, Mark is losing to Loki.

Martin is up against the Doctor.  (Don't panic, Arthur!)  Andrew lost to Matt Smith after a tight race; he's only a Time Lord, Bilbo has the Ring, right?

Ben is winning tonight, but against Harry Potter aka Daniel Radcliffe, will he keep it up?  Thus far...

Considering that of course Gandalf/Magneto made it, but Picard/Professor X didn't, well.

Round 2 closes 11am ET Friday, 14-Nov-14.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Congrats: Ben's engaged!

Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter are engaged.  Isn't that wonderful?  So happy for them both.  (The Telegraph has a shorter piece here.)

MTV says Benedict Cumberbatch Is Engaged, So Why Is The Internet Still Working?

A sampling of Tweets... along with the NY Post's Twitter reacts to Benedict Cumberbatch's engagement.  Which is not how everyone's taking it, but hey, they want to focus on unhappy weeping, then that's their choice.  Bustle is surprised by tumblr's reaction.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Anglo Fan Favorites 2014... and sex.

"32 British celebrities, five rounds, one winner" at BBC America... Will Tom Hiddleston win again?

All 16 matches for Round 1.  Plus a LOT of fandoms are represented.  I'm mentioning Team Sherlock, which includes The Hobbit too, along with Star Trek.  :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Graham Norton Show!

The Graham Norton Show - s16x5 - Benedict Cumberbatch, Miranda Hart, Timothy Spall and Maroon 5:  Part 1 and Part 2.

Thanks to my Tweep for alerting me that it was up at last for folks outside the BBC area!  Check out BBC America for those of you with a TV handy.

Missing from SH s3.

First, seasonal fan art from JM.

Halloween should mean more candy, but I wasn't able to blog that day.  Have some deleted scenes from s3 instead.  :D

Do avoid these vids if you haven't yet seen s3, definite spoilers inside!