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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tribute to Cabin Pressure.

On Monday, 3-Nov-2014, I found out about this.  Alas, much too late to tell you before the project was done, but now you can enjoy what was done.

A year ago, the fans running the Cabin Pressure fan site decided to do a Thank You for Cabin Pressure project on tumblr.  The updates are here.

So I thought this would be a good thing for Thanksgiving.  Because we're thankful for CP, and knowing that other fans expressed how we all feel... is something to be thankful for.  Along with the cast of CP.

It is amazing, and may make you cry too.  (I'm all sniffly now!)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Jon Stewart's Cumberbatched; plus Smaug.

As headlines go, you can't top these.  No, really, you can't.

Week’s Best TV: Jon Stewart Proposes to Benedict Cumberbatch -- from that link they have one quote [from the interview itself] and one comment.
"I guess this would be the wrong time to ask you to marry me." But if not now, when?

Even TIME got into the act with Jon Stewart Admits He Wants to Rip Off Benedict Cumberbatch’s Clothes (no article, just the video).

Sunday, November 23, 2014

S4, Una, a fan vid; Anglo FF.

Reasons why we love Una Stubbs -- tumblr user jennylevey would like to send Una a collection of these.  Do reblog, I pray you!

Your Love Is My Drug - Sherlock by Lemon Swordfish

One of my favorite instrumental fan vids, all s1.  It's lovely.  I could listen to it for hours (and sometimes do).

Both Ben and Martin got swept out of Anglo Fan Faves.  (So did Tom Hiddleston, which is a bit shocking.  Loki lost to the Doctor!)  I suspect the actors who were cheering their fans on got more than a little boost.  I don't recall that happening before.

So if you're still voting, Thorin's against the Tenth Doctor, while the Outlander is crushing Merlin.  I feel this is fitting, since Smaug should've won, clearly.  ;b

Snapshot of Anglo Fan Faves, Women 2014, which starts 1-Dec-14.  Note that Lara, Loo, and Una are all in again this time around!  But... Amanda isn't.

If you haven't seen all of s3 yet, avoid this.  Possible s4 spoilers -- and just as likely, Mark just messing with us.  Like he and Steven tend to do.  :D