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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy Sherlock Holmes Week!

Happy Holmes Week! Have you been over to SherlockCares lately to check out the celebrations there?  If you've read all the Sherlock fanfic, note that SH pastiches have been written forever -- or since possibly the first moment someone decided ACD was writing too slowly.  :D

Another perfect Mycroft and Sherlock fanfic from SherlockCares.  (Yes, I'm biased; no, it's not Johnlock; and I think it's just amazing.)

Pic: Honey, you should see him in a crown... and...

Cumberbatch moments:  Pale Benedict pic.  Just one more black-and-white pic.  Benedict in what may be a blue smoking jacket.

Amazing dolls made of Sherlock and John by a fan.  Wow!!

There will be three Hobbit films.  Just so you know.

Have you seen the latest quiz?  Which BBC Sherlock Character Are You?  I got Moriarty twice, then I chose more carefully and got:

Mycroft Holmes

... You play with bureaucracies like most people play at checkers. You are ambitious and play at a grand scale of global intelligence. It's just too bad you also get wrapped up in petty sibling rivalries as well. Being a Holmes, you are naturally brilliant and clever. But unlike your brother, you don't see the harm in enjoying the fruits your talents reap. Especially the indulgence of food. But you're on a diet. And it's going fine. Or so you tell your little brother.

Ohhh, delightful:  "1376 other people got this result! That's 11%."

SPOILERS for season 2 after this point!

Also, here's a fanfic entry for Sherlock Holmes Week.  Warning:  The latter is post-Reichenbach and is about John.  RF feels alert!

I Believe in Sherlock Holmes: Sherlockian Fandom Then and Now essay.

Mind palace gone horribly wrong.  Because you need this.  Really.  :D

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